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Understanding Common Cyber Security Threats


Cyber security is an ever-present aspect of IT systems and service management. With the continued development and rise in popularity of AI, newer and more sophisticated threats are emerging. Having effective cyber security management is a crucial component for any business.


Network Threats: A Growing Concern

These are often exploits of older, unsupported devices, enabling unauthorised access and spreading of malicious activity. Network threats are prevalent in poorly managed network deployments with no continued update structure, common types of these include:

  1. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: These attacks overwhelm networks by sending large amounts of data, causing the network to become slow or completely unresponsive. During these attacks, security can fail, and attackers can enter inside of the network.

  2. Phishing Attacks: These commonly involve deceptive messages passing through network security, tricking individuals into providing sensitive information. This can lead to unauthorised access into company systems, data and even company accounts.

  3. Malware: Malicious software including viruses, worms, and ransomware, can infiltrate a network, corrupting or stealing data. Malware often spreads through email attachments or compromised websites.

Effective cyber security management is essential to protect against these threats. Implementing robust firewalls, with regular software updates, and comprehensive employee training can help mitigate the associated risks.


The Role of Cyber Security Managed Services

Cyber security managed services are crucial for effective cyber security management, offering continuous monitoring, threat detection, and rapid response to safeguard digital assets. By outsourcing these functions to a specialised provider, businesses can ensure that their cyber security measures are up-to-date and effective against emerging cyber security threats.


Cyber Security Threats

In addition to traditional threats, businesses must also be aware of emerging cyber security threats. These threats are driven by advancements in technology, constantly evolving with changes in the cyber landscape. Some threats include:

  1. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): These are sophisticated, long-term attacks that target specific organisations or industries. APTs often involve multiple stages, including reconnaissance, initial compromise, and data exfiltration.

  2. Internet of Things (IoT) Vulnerabilities: As IoT devices become more widespread, they present new entry points for cyber attackers. Poorly secured IoT devices can be exploited to gain access to larger networks.

  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Threats:While AI and ML offer significant benefits, they can also be used by cybercriminals to develop more sophisticated attacks. AI-driven malware, for example, can adapt and evolve to bypass traditional security measures.

By partnering with a reliable provider of cyber security managed services, businesses can effectively address both current and emerging cyber security threats. These services offer a comprehensive approach to cyber security management, ensuring that organisations remain protected in an ever-changing digital landscape. For more information on how to protect your business, Visit: QCOM Ltd: Your Gateway to Expert Solutions or Contact: / +44 (0) 203 150 1401.

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